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ויקרא י"ט כ"ג

וכי תבאו אל הארץ ונטעתם כל עץ מאכל

Honour a Fallen Soldier

By Planting Fruit Trees in Israel



By Planting Fruit Trees in Israel

In the face of destruction, Jewish life and spirit have consistently triumphed through rebuilding. In honour of Tu Bi'Shvat, KTM-MTL has collaborated with the Zo Artzeinu organization to plant hundreds of fruit trees in the orchards of communities in Southern Israel affected on October 7th.


Each tree planted will stand as a living memorial to a fallen soldier who made the ultimate sacrifice defending Israel. Your generous donation will play a crucial role in supporting both Eretz Yisrael and Torat Yisrael by honouring our heroes, participating in the reconstruction of our land, and sustaining the ongoing programs of KTM-MTL. This contribution ensures the continuation of our vital work, strengthening our love and commitment to Eretz Yisrael, her Heroes, and Torat Yisrael.


By supporting this KTM-MTL and Zo Artzeinu initiative with a donation of $118, you contribute to carrying on a legacy of love for our land, actively working towards the vision that our Fallen Heroes stood for - witnessing Israel and its people thrive.


In recognition of your donation, you will receive a certificate containing information about the soldier whose memory will be perpetuated by your generous contribution.

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About | Zo Artzeinu

"They Destroy Life — We Plant New Life."

Since 1993, Zo Artzeinu/Israel Trees has planted more fruit trees in Israel than any other organization.  Aside from making our land more beautiful, every planted tree helps communities flourish and grow, provides people with a living, and gives people the oportunity to share in new agriculture mitzvot only applicable in Israel.  

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