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Rosh Kollel & Family

Rav Ari Faust  |  Jerusalem

Rabbi Ari Faust – known affectionately by his students as Rav Ari – has held Rabbinic and Educational positions  spanning the entire gamut of Jewish affiliation and observance.


With a unique ability to present traditional Jewish concepts in a way that is relevant and user-friendly, he has held management and logistical positions in educational programs.


A Montreal-born oleh, Rav Ari is a Hebrew Academy graduate, and we are thrilled to work with him as he brings his vision, experience, and Israeli ruach to his childhood community.  

Rosh Kollel


David & Danielle Weinberg |  Bruchin

Hello everyone! We are David and Danielle and we are the parents of Libby (3) and Ariel (1). We come from a small settlement in the Shomron region called Bruchin.


​Danielle grew up there since she was a small child and her parents, along with 10 other families, established the settlement and were its first pioneers. When the settlement was founded, it was just a piece of bare wild land with a small number of caravans in which Danielle lived; But thankfully, today it's a thriving community with over 400 families. Growing up in such a settlement is a unique experience since every day, we contribute towards building the land of Israel. In addition to that, Danielle recently completed her M.A in Organizational Consulting.  She also has a B.A in Psychology. Her national service, Danielle volunteered in an emergency child absorption centre, helping children and infants who were removed from their homes. Her second year national service, she volunteered with Olim and taught  them Hebrew. David was born in Antwerp, Belgium, and around 10 years ago came to Israel to study at a Hesder Yeshiva in the Golan Heights. There he learned for a couple years. A few years late he pursued a Bachelor's degree in Economics and Business Administration at the Ariel University. Growing up in a diverse society in Western Europe gave him the chance to learn several languages. Besides English, he is comfortable with Dutch, Hebrew, Yiddish, and can manage a bit of French. As we step into this community, we are eager to learn, connect, and share experiences with all of you. Feel free to reach out – we are here with an open heart and genuine enthusiasm for the upcoming year! We’re really looking forward to seeing and getting to know all of you!




Alon Shvut

Hiiii! Im Tiferet Dishi, and I’m one of the Bnot Sherut at Hebrew Academy High School and Kollel Torah MiTzion. I live in Alon Shvut in Gush Etzion and studied in Ulpenat Oriya, majoring in dance for four years. Last year, in my first year of Sherut Leumi, I volunteered at a special needs kindergarten in Jerusalem. Can’t wait to meet you all and looking forward for this upcoming year!

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Zichron Yaakov

Hi! My name is Reut Dokow. I’m 20 years old and live in Zichron Yaakov. I’m one of 4 children - 2 boys and 2 girls. Since finishing high school, I spent a gap year in Midrasha at Alonei Shilo and this past year of Sherut Leumi I was the Komunarit of the Bnei Akiva snif in the town of Yakir. I enjoy going on tiyulim and being with friends and like maximising my time! My parents had both done a year of shlichut abroad: My mother did Sherut Leumi in Los Angeles and my father did shlichut in Uruguay. I guess my coming to Montreal this year is following in the family tradition! I am so excited to come in a few weeks and meet everyone! Wishing everyone a really great year!

Bachurim 2023-2024


Monday to Thursday throughout the school year:


Evening program:

8:00 pm to 10:00 pm



Our classes are open to both men and women. 

5700 Kellert

Cote St. Luc, Quebec

H4W 1T4


Community Partners:

Torah MiTzion Israel

Hebrew Academy

Bnei Akiva Montreal


Beth Zion



Consulate of Israel

JNF Montreal-KKL Israel

Camp Moshava

Emunah Women Montreal

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