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In Memory of
Eliyahu Bernstein
אליהו ברנשטיין
כ"ב בתשרי תשפ"ד
:תאריך פטירה
Date of Death:
October 7, 2023
פסטיבל נובה; מיגונית בצומת גמה (דרום)
: מקום האירוע
Place of Event:
Nova Festival; Gama Junction Bomb Shelter (South)
:מקום מגורים

Eliyahu Jacob Bernstein, z"l, from Jerusalem, was murdered at the Nova nature party.His obituaries included:

"Elijah the prince, a pure soul that was kidnapped from us!! I remember you like the moment you sold me a cone of chips at the store in Yeremiah, with the huge smile and the big heart that only you had, always from the bottom of my heart!! Every time you pass outside the heart is pinched 💘💔 can't contain this pain. My condolences to the dear family, be strong, be sure that your son is closest to God! May his soul be bundled in the bundle of life✡✡"

Information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. 

In case of discrepancy between the Hebrew and the English, the Hebrew should take precedence.

Note: If you would, like to plant a tree for this victim, please remeber the unique ID You will enter it on the order page:
Unique Code: C756

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