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In Memory of
Sergeant Major Yakir Blochman HY"D
רס"ב יקיר בלוכמן ז"ל
כ"ב בתשרי תשפ"ד
:תאריך פטירה
Date of Death:
October 7, 2023
: מקום האירוע
Place of Event:
:מקום מגורים

Yakir z"l served as a detective at the Segev Shalom Station and was killed while fighting against terrorists in Kibbutz Re'im. His wife shared their last phone call conversation: "He said 'there are a lot of terrorists', I heard the break in his voice, I've never heard him like that in my life. After a few minutes he called me again and said 'I'm sorry I worried you, everything will be fine. I love you very much'" .She also shared: "He is the only one from the station who had a license to an armored vehicle. They went and rescued the wounded in Ra'im. The commander of the Segev Shalom station, the late Yitzhak Bezokashvili, received a message that the commander of the Rahat station needed a rescue and they went there. On the way they rescued many more civilians, at one point the vehicle was hit and he went to Ofakim to get another one and that's how it was, they rescued and returned, until they were hit by RPG fire and killed." She added: "He saved a lot of people. He died for people, for justice. I've been with him since I was a child, they always joked that he would protect all the weak in the class and that's who he is both in elementary school, in high school and when he grew up. He was the support in the home, we knew there was someone to trust."He left behind his parents, wife, two young children and two brothers.

Information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. 

In case of discrepancy between the Hebrew and the English, the Hebrew should take precedence.

Note: If you would, like to plant a tree for this victim, please remeber the unique ID You will enter it on the order page:
Unique Code: C834

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