In Memory of
Matan Elmaliach HY"D
מתן אלמליח ז"ל

י״ד באדר א׳ תשפ״ד
:תאריך פטירה
Date of Death:
February 22, 2024
מעלה אדומים
: מקום האירוע
Place of Event:
Maale Adumim
מעלה אדומים
:מקום מגורים
Ma'ale Adumim
Matan Elmaliach, z"l, 26, of Ma’ale Adumim was gunned down today (Thursday, 22 February 2024) by terrorists in a traffic jam near a military checkpoint near Ma’ale Adumim. 10 other people were wounded in the attack, including a pregnant woman who was seriously injured.
A preliminary investigation of the shooting found that three terrorists, residents of Bethlehem, arrived in two cars at the checkpoint just outside Ma’ale Adumim, and opened fire at the cars stuck in the traffic. Police officers at the scene shot at the three terrorists, killing two and wounding one. A grenade and ammunition were later discovered in one of their cars.
Matan was laid to rest in the Ma’ale Adumim cemetery on Thursday, 22 February. He is survived by his parents, a brother and two sisters.
Information is accurate to the best of our knowledge.
In case of discrepancy between the Hebrew and the English, the Hebrew should take precedence.