In Memory of
Aryeh Akuni HY"D
אריה אקוני ז"ל

כ"ב בתשרי תשפ"ד
:תאריך פטירה
Date of Death:
October 7, 2023
נתיב העשרה
: מקום האירוע
Place of Event:
Netiv HaAsara
נתיב העשרה
:מקום מגורים
Netiv HaAsara
Aryeh, z"l, was murdered in his Netiv HaAsara home together with his wife, Ruti, and daughter, Or. He was a husband, father, and grandfather, beloved in the community. The Akunis were a founding family of Netiv HaAsara and would often open their home up to anyone who wanted to stop by for a hot meal, especially on Sukkot, during which they were murdered.
"These are my brother-in-law and sister-in-law Aryeh and Ruti Akuni who were murdered on Saturday in their home on Netiv HaAsara. Humble people, people who love people, hardworking people, people of the earth. Their family, their children and their grandchildren were their whole world and the settlement in which they lived, which they established after being evacuated from Yamit and where they raised their children, Netiv Hatara, was an inseparable part of them and their great love.Every year on the second holy day of Sukkot they would hold a big meal, cook on the fire and many dozens of people would come to their open house. This year, exactly on the second holy day of Sukkot, they were murdered by wrongdoers in their home.Look carefully at this picture, these people have a face and a name and they had a full and beautiful life, they were killed in one day together with about 1000 other people! Wemiss you so much, a lion who loves people and dogs, an excellent cook and a grandfather to Tiferet, and to you Ruti, the flower weaver, and to your pot of sour stuffed cauliflower that we used to eat eagerly. Our hearts are broken, and only memories and pictures are left to us."
- Nechama Akuni, Sister-in-Law
Information is accurate to the best of our knowledge.
In case of discrepancy between the Hebrew and the English, the Hebrew should take precedence.