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In Memory of
David Shalev HY"D
דוד שלו ז"ל
כ"ב בתשרי תשפ"ד
:תאריך פטירה
Date of Death:
October 7, 2023
ניר עוז
: מקום האירוע
Place of Event:
Nir Oz
ניר עוז
:מקום מגורים
Nir Oz

David z"l and his son Tal z"l were brutally murdered in their home in Kibbutz Nir Oz. You were also connected in your life to the worlds above, and now they surround you with love. David would stand in the center of the grass in front of Eve and Yehuda's house, he would bend and spin around, and in his hands a thick and long rope that draws a huge circle of movement. Around him would stand in a circle his three sons, sometimes cousins from the Peleg family would also join. David and the rope would rotate and the cousins jump one by one as the rope passes under them. Be careful not to hit the rope or get disqualified and leave the game! David was the son of his mother who she and her sisters survived the Holocaust, who lost their entire family and came to this country thinking "Never Again". In recent years, David devotedly cared for Aunt Ester, the third sister who survived the Holocaust and was a childless widow. The cruel death of him and Tal and all the other murdered and victims of the horrible massacre is heartbreaking, may their memory be blessed.

Information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. 

In case of discrepancy between the Hebrew and the English, the Hebrew should take precedence.

Note: If you would, like to plant a tree for this victim, please remeber the unique ID You will enter it on the order page:
Unique Code: C246

Plant a Treein Memory ofThis Victim


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