In Memory of
Noa Englander HY"D
נועה אנגלנדר ז"ל

כ"ב בתשרי תשפ"ד
:תאריך פטירה
Date of Death:
October 7, 2023
פסטיבל נובה; בר
: מקום האירוע
Place of Event:
Nova Festival; Bar
קריית ביאליק
:מקום מגורים
Kiryat Bialik
Noa Englander z"l was murdered at the Nova musice festival, where she travelled with her partner she met in the army. "She went to these festivals from time to time. Noa loved to dance and listen to music, she was happy all her life," said her father Yaakov. "Even before she left, she said that this was probably her last festival."At 6:30 in the morning her father tried to reach Noa, but the one who answered was a friend who said that they were two couples who got into the car and started to run away from the place. "I tried to reach Noa's boyfriend on the phone, but he didn't answer me. He sent me a message that they were hiding in the bar of the party, that there were shots outside and that he couldn't talk on the phone because they wanted to be quiet. From that moment on, we didn't hear from them again."OnSunday evening, Yaakov and his wife Leah returned home to Kiryat Bialik. "We said to each other, 'What kind of delusional world have we gotten into that we are praying for Noa to be a prisoner in Gaza?' What parent says such a thing about his daughter?" Yesterday afternoon, a police officer, a social worker and the director of the municipality's welfare department came to the family. "I know the director, and when I saw him I yelled at him to leave, because I don't want them here."
Information is accurate to the best of our knowledge.
In case of discrepancy between the Hebrew and the English, the Hebrew should take precedence.